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Thursday, 7 July 2011

Lady Kills? Natalia Gaga?

I found this recent interview with Natalia Kills to be rather amusing.

Skip to 5 minutes in where the topic of the conversation resolves around what many interviewers have asked Natalia before, whether she see essentially sees herself as a Lady Gaga clone.

Natalia to me at first seems taken back by the interviewers question and I somewhat sympathize with her. After all Natalia is trying to be a credible artist in her own right and constantly being asked whether she is trying to be someone she clearly isn't (minus the whole same label/Akon/RedOne thing going on) must be tedious.

What I find funny is what she states when the interviewer suggests they have the same hair, her reply whilst pointing out her towering top knot is that Lady Gaga "doesn't have this hair"...

Ohh erm she had it two years ago...

Ohhh snap, a similar top knot/beehive style worn by Lady Gaga yesterday at a press conference in Singapore just a couple of days after the interview posted above...awkward.

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