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Sunday, 23 October 2011

Hang on and Hang It Up

Ok so previously I wrote a blog entry theorizing that The Ting Tings would make a years absence since Hands with a new single, Silence.

Now I was wrong, instead the indie pop duo have come back with Hang It Up, which bears more resemblance to Shut Up And Let Me Go / That's Not My Name than the electro route taken with Hands.

In terms of a comeback single I don't think it essentially that strong, despite being catchy, bolshy and similar to their material on their highly successful debut I feel that the song is lacking a missing ingredient to give The Tings Tings the "hit" to put put them back on the radar after a near four year absence. Comments on the video itself remain generally positive with fans expressing their excitement at their return, but I'm not surprised at some who comment how they have left it too late to make an impact second time round.

The Ting Tings however remain as my favourite band and the release of Hang It Up get me excited for album two.

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